Prairie City General Plan Needs Your Comments!!

The prairie City SVRA General Plan, up to this point, has been influenced by the Prairie City Staff and the non-OHV riding public.  They are pushing for a designated trail system and eliminating open riding that has historically been allowed all along.  Do you what to see this happen?  Please follow one of the links below (all take you to the same page) in their announcement and make your comments known to them.  This is your park so please get involved in this very important issue…..


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Prairie City SVRA General Plan, Revised Draft

Preferred Concept – Online Comment Form

The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division of California State Parks invites you to provide feedback on the revised Draft Preferred Concept for the Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) General Plan.

Your comments on the Draft Preferred Concept were received between April 28th and June 3rd, 2014. The Draft Preferred Concept has been revised based on your feedback, site constraints (existing environmental resources and property easements), and input from regulatory agencies and SVRA staff.

Comment card results will be used to develop the Preferred Concept that will be included in the Prairie City SVRA General Plan. There will be opportunity to provide further input when the public review preliminary General Plan and associated Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) are available for public review in the winter of 2014.

Please visit between now and Friday, October 31st to provide comments on the revised Draft Preferred Concept.

Thank you for your continued interest in the planning process!


The Prairie City SVRA Planning Team