D36 LAO ACTION ALERT – On Feb. 16 – Attend State Park Public Meeting for the Off-Highway Vehicle Access Project.
As more in-person land agency meetings resume it is important for D36 members to attend and show support for our OHV Program and offer input into new efforts such as the CA OHV Access Project to find a new SVRA. I hope to see many of you at the Access Project meeting in Pleasanton.
Date: February 16, 2023
Location: Pleasanton Marriott, 11950 Dublin Canyon Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Information
California State Parks (CSP) will hold an open house to inform the public about the Off-Highway Vehicle Access Project and receive input. The meeting will be held in person, and the public can join anytime between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. There will be stations with topics of interest and time to discuss the project with State Parks staff. The public will learn about Senate Bill 155 and the Department’s process for searching, selecting, and acquiring property; discuss OHV recreation opportunities and visitor needs; and discuss potential locations for OHV recreation opportunities, including partnerships, leases, and new properties.
Project Background
In September 2021, Senate Bill 155 amended Public Resources Code Section 5090.42. This bill transferred funding from the General Fund to the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Trust Fund to explore the acquisition and development of properties and opportunities to expand OHV recreation in new and existing facilities. Also, this bill recommends prioritizing opportunities that can serve large urban areas such as the Bay Area and Central Valley and offer potential recreational opportunities for OHV recreation and motorized access to nonmotorized recreation. This meeting is the second of several opportunities to be involved in this project, including virtual and in-person meetings. CSP will develop a preliminary report, feasibility study, and OHV Recreation Access Plan with recommendations and strategies to enhance existing OHV recreation areas or expand OHV recreation within the State through an acquisition, lease, land swap, or other available means. The project would also consider developing motorized access to non-motorized recreational opportunities.
Don Amador
District 36 Legislative Action Office